Arts Career Education for Students
2021 saw the completion of a successfully piloted project that provided creative Career and Technical Education to Seattle high school students. A foundation grant enabled Seattle Public Schools to stand up a new Media Arts Skills Center, supported staffing in the first years of the project, and allowed the center to establish itself as a sustainable program with growing enrollment.
Based on stakeholder feedback, the Media Arts Skills Center developed a course focused on four media arts disciplines with viable, living wage jobs after graduation: graphic design, web design, animation, and audio-visual engineering. Thanks to strong partnerships, students have had opportunities to participate in residencies, internships, field trips to businesses and non-profits in the creative industries, and presentations from guest speakers. The staff and students have been highlighted at school board meetings and district events as a model of what successful creative, student-centered, project-based learning looks like.
Over its four years of operation, the demand has grown for both the regular school year program and the Summer Skills Center Courses which offer additional classes like video production, virtual reality, and multimedia broadcasting. Along with the establishment of the Media Arts Skills Center, which is now fully funded by the school district, a playbook was created on how to design, build, and recruit for new Seattle Skills Center courses.
Partners: Seattle Public Schools, City of Seattle Office of Arts & Culture, Seattle Foundation
Showcasing Emerging Artists
The Seattle Symphony is relaunching
Octave 9 as a hub for new creative content generated through collaboration between musicians and artists, both local and international. Octave 9 began programming as a digital hub, and in 2022 – as public health guidance allows – the 80-seat space will host events showcasing emerging artists, with an emphasis on BIPOC and female creators.
During COVID, the Symphony broadened their audience with live digital broadcasts, reaching more young and diverse populations than ever before. Octave 9 will build on that momentum, creating an immersive environment through music, art, workshops, and other events.
Paul G. Allen Family Foundation funds kickstarted the new program, supported infrastructure improvements for streaming content, and will help launch the performance program in 2022. The first half of the year will include at least six emerging artists concerts, ten symphony musician concerts, ten live broadcasts and online productions, and curatorial and marketing services.
Partner: Seattle Symphony